COMMON Project
COastal Management and MOnitoring Network for tackling marine litter in Mediterranean sea
About the project
Marine litter is quickly becoming one of the main pollution sources of the Mediterranean Sea, with negative consequences for living marine organisms, marine ecosystems, human health and coastal activities, including tourism and fisheries. Combating the issue of marine litter requires a global effort at basin level through a multi-institutional and multi-stakeholder approach that tackles the different and competing environmental, economic, social, cultural and recreational drivers that can affect marine ecosystems. The COMMON project will apply the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) principles to the challenge of marine litter, improving knowledge of the phenomenon, enhancing the environmental performance of 5 pilot coastal areas in Italy, Tunisia and Lebanon, and engaging local stakeholders in marine litter management.
Key information
Acronym: COMMON Full title: COastal Management and MOnitoring Network for tackling marine litter in Mediterranean sea Thematic objective: B.4 Environmental protection, climate change adaptation and mitigation Priority: B.4.4 Integrated coastal zone management Countries: Italy, Tunisia, Lebanon
Financial data
Total budget: 2.2 million€ EU contribution: 2 million€ Project co-financing: 10%
Expected achievements
- 10 studies on linkages between marine litter issue and land-based human activities
- 1 ICT platform for sharing methodologies and data on marine litter
- 250 people trained on marine litter management
- 30 municipalities involved in a network of coastal cities against marine litter
- 4 reports containing legal recommendations and best practices for improving the management of marine litter and governance issues
- 50 civil society organisations participating in beach cleanup campaigns
Project duration
Start date: 03 September 2019 End date: 02 September 2022
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